毕业生面临艰难的就业市场,58%的招聘经理发现他们没有准备。 Graduates face a tough job market, with 58% of hiring managers finding them unprepared.
据纽约联邦储备银行报告,最近毕业生正面临艰难的就业市场,新毕业生与有经验的工人之间的失业差距越来越大。 Recent graduates are facing a tough job market, with a growing unemployment gap between new graduates and experienced workers, as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 竞争加剧、雇主期望变化和对初级工作的技能需求提高,都加剧了这一挑战。 This challenge is fueled by heightened competition, evolving employer expectations, and higher skill demands for entry-level jobs. 约58%的招聘管理人员发现最近的毕业生没有做好准备,促使大学更好地为学生加入劳动力队伍做准备。 About 58% of hiring managers find recent graduates unprepared, pushing universities to better prepare students for the workforce. 《华尔街日报》现在根据职业成果对大学进行排名,强调做好就业准备的重要性。 The Wall Street Journal now ranks universities based on career outcomes, emphasizing the importance of job readiness.