展出151件波斯手工艺品 在中国开张, 展示伊朗的艺术遗产。 Exhibition of 151 Persian artifacts opens in China, showcasing Iran's artistic heritage.
2025年1月25日在中国成都四川大学博物馆开幕,展出151件波斯手工艺品。 An exhibition of 151 Persian artifacts opened at Sichuan University Museum in Chengdu, China, on January 25, 2025. 这些由伊朗五个博物馆出借的物品包括陶瓷、金属、玻璃、纺织品、地毯和绘画。 The items, loaned by five Iranian museums, include ceramic, metal, glass objects, textiles, carpets, and paintings. 该展览旨在促进文化交流并突出波斯艺术遗产。 The exhibition aims to promote cultural exchange and highlight Persian artistic heritage.