中国艺术展在德黑兰开幕, Chinese art exhibition opens in Tehran, promoting cultural exchange between China and Iran.
中国艺术展于10月12日在伊朗德黑兰开幕, 强调中国与伊朗在丝绸之路沿线的文化交流。 An exhibition of Chinese art opened in Tehran, Iran, on October 12, highlighting the cultural exchange between China and Iran along the Silk Road. 活动的目的是展示绘画、手稿和古老的硬币,加强对两国文化遗产的欣赏。 Featuring paintings, manuscripts, and ancient coins, the event aims to enhance appreciation for both nations' cultural heritage. 它在Malek国家图书馆和博物馆运行至11月10日,力求加强两个文明之间的联系,加深它们之间的友谊。 Running until November 10 at the Malek National Library and Museum, it seeks to strengthen ties and deepen friendship between the two civilizations.