阿塞拜疆项目教育青年如何保护像马尔达坎城堡这样的历史遗址。 Azerbaijani project educates youth on preserving historical sites like Mardakan Castle.
阿塞拜疆的“保护文化遗产”项目组织了一个教育考察,参观了历史遗址,如14世纪的象形堡垒马尔达坎城堡、附近的Tuba Shah清真寺和Sheikh Kazim浴场。 The "Preserve the Cultural Heritage" project in Azerbaijan organized an educational tour to historical sites like Mardakan Castle, a 14th-century quadrangular fortress, and the nearby Tuba Shah mosque and Sheikh Kazim bath complex. 在文化机构的支持下,该项目旨在教育年轻人保存历史遗址。 Supported by cultural institutions, the project aims to educate young people on preserving historical sites. 计划包括更多的参观和与专家举办研讨会。 Plans include more tours and seminars with experts.