尽管警方使用武力驱散人群, 孟加拉国教师仍抗议将工作国有化。 Bangladeshi teachers protest for job nationalization despite police using force to disperse crowds.
孟加拉Ebtedayi Madrasas的教师继续抗议将工作和其他要求国有化, 尽管警方使用警棍、水炮和催泪瓦斯镇压他们。 Teachers from Ebtedayi Madrasas in Bangladesh continue protesting for nationalization of their jobs and other demands, despite a police crackdown using batons, water cannons, and tear gas. 抗议活动导致达卡发生冲突,一些教师受伤并被送往医院。 The protests led to clashes in Dhaka, with some teachers injured and taken to the hospital. 教师要求他们的学校得到承认和受益,但警察将他们驱散,在该地区造成紧张的局势。 The teachers demand recognition and benefits for their schools, but the police have dispersed them, creating a tense situation in the area.