阿拉伯议会和各国谴责对沙特在苏丹医院的袭击,呼吁停火。 Arab Parliament and nations condemn attack on Saudi hospital in Sudan, call for ceasefire.
阿拉伯议会和包括沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋和卡塔尔在内的多个国家强烈谴责袭击沙特在苏丹法希尔的一家医院,造成平民伤亡。 The Arab Parliament and multiple nations including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar have strongly condemned an attack on a Saudi hospital in El Fasher, Sudan, resulting in civilian casualties. 这一袭击被视为违反国际人道主义法。 This attack is seen as a violation of international humanitarian law. 领导人呼吁停火、保护平民和遵守旨在和平解决苏丹冲突的《吉达宣言》。 Leaders called for a ceasefire, protection of civilians, and adherence to the Jeddah Declaration, which aims for a peaceful solution to the Sudan conflict.