卡塔尔谴责在叙利亚的轰炸,支持受害者和叙利亚的安全努力。 Qatar condemns bombing in Syria, offers support to victims and Syria’s security efforts.
卡塔尔谴责在叙利亚东阿勒颇的曼比吉发生的一起造成伤亡的爆炸事件。 Qatar has condemned a bombing in Manbij, eastern Aleppo, Syria, that caused deaths and injuries. 外交部表示反对一切形式的暴力和恐怖主义,不论其动机为何。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated its opposition to all forms of violence and terrorism, regardless of motives. 卡塔尔表示声援叙利亚并支持其安全措施,向受害者家属表示慰问,并希望受伤者迅速康复。 Qatar expressed solidarity with Syria and support for its security measures, offered condolences to the victims' families, and wished a quick recovery for the injured.