西弗吉尼亚州宣布 Big Buck 摄影大赛的获胜者,以表彰获得执照或小屋住宿的猎人。 West Virginia announces winners of its Big Buck Photo Contest, honoring hunters with licenses or cabin stays.
西弗吉尼亚州自然资源部 宣布获奖者 第四次年度大巴克照片比赛 The West Virginia Department of Natural Resources has announced the winners of its fourth annual Big Buck Photo Contest. 比赛荣获16名获奖者,包括居民和非居民,根据照片组成、鹿角大小、点数和狩猎描述选出。 The contest honored 16 winners, including both residents and non-residents, selected based on photo composition, antler size, points, and hunt description. 一名常住成年人获得大奖,领取终身狩猎许可证或国家公园小屋停留。 A resident adult won the grand prize, receiving either a lifetime hunting license or a State Park cabin stay. 这次活动庆祝了西弗吉尼亚州的狩猎遗产,吸引了超过320名决赛者。 The event celebrated West Virginia's hunting heritage and drew over 320 finalists.