第三届 Big Wheel Bash 慈善筹款活动于 7 月 12 日在西弗吉尼亚州博览会举行,内容包括现场音乐、拍卖和奖学金。 3rd Annual Big Wheel Bash fundraiser at West Virginia State Fair on July 12, featuring live music, auction, and scholarships.
第三届西弗吉尼亚州博览会年度巨轮狂欢节,7 月 12 日下午 6:30-10 点。 3rd Annual Big Wheel Bash at West Virginia State Fair, on July 12, 6:30-10pm. 为奖学金和捐赠基金筹集资金,门票 100 美元,包括食物、饮料、Blaze the City 的现场音乐和慈善拍卖。 A fundraiser for scholarship and endowment funds, tickets $100 for food, drinks, live music by Blaze the City, and benefit auction. 自 2004 年以来,州博览会奖学金已向西弗吉尼亚州的学生颁发了超过 50 万美元的奖学金。 Since 2004, State Fair Scholarship has awarded over $500k to West Virginia students. 请访问 statefairofwv.com/big-wheel-bash 或致电 304-645-1090 了解更多信息或购买门票。 Visit statefairofwv.com/big-wheel-bash or call 304-645-1090 for more info or tickets.