德克萨斯州有争议的野生动物杀戮比赛因破坏生态系统和宣扬残忍行为而受到人道协会的批评。 Controversial Texas wildlife-killing contests face criticism from the Humane Society over ecosystem disruption and promotion of cruelty.
在德克萨斯州特别流行的野生动物杀戮比赛越来越有争议。 Wildlife-killing contests, particularly popular in Texas, are increasingly controversial. 像 SEO Varmint Roundup 这样的活动旨在让年轻人参与狩猎和管理捕食者种群。 Events like the SEO Varmint Roundup aim to engage youth in hunting and managing predator populations. 然而,包括人道协会在内的批评者认为,这些比赛破坏了生态系统并促进了残忍行为,每年有数百只动物被杀害。 However, critics, including the Humane Society, argue these contests disrupt ecosystems and promote cruelty, with hundreds of animals killed annually.