巴基斯坦奶制品协会因操纵价格和造成人工奶制品短缺而被罚款。 Pakistani dairy associations fined for price manipulation and creating artificial milk shortages.
巴基斯坦竞争委员会罚款卡拉奇的三个奶制品协会操纵新鲜牛奶价格,违反了2010年《竞争法》。 The Competition Commission of Pakistan has fined three dairy associations in Karachi for manipulating fresh milk prices, violating the Competition Act 2010. 奶牛农民协会被罚款100万卢比,而卡拉奇乳牛农民协会和卡拉奇奶牛农民协会各被罚款50万卢比。 The Dairy and Cattle Farmers Association was fined Rs1 million, while the Dairy Farmers Association Karachi and Karachi Dairy Farmers Association each received a fine of Rs500,000. 调查发现,这些协会使用胁迫手段控制定价机制,通过在冰工厂囤积牛奶造成人为短缺,导致信德省内地价格暴涨。 The investigation found that the associations used coercive tactics to control pricing mechanisms and created an artificial shortage by hoarding milk in ice factories, leading to inflated prices in interior Sindh.