原子能机构呼吁更多国家在世界母乳喂养周期间为其母乳摄入数据库提供数据。 IAEA calls for more countries to contribute data to its human milk intake database during World Breastfeeding Week.
在世界母乳喂养周期间,原子能机构呼吁更多国家为其人类母乳摄入量数据库提供数据,利用核技术准确计量母乳消费量并评价纯母乳喂养。 During World Breastfeeding Week, the IAEA calls for more countries to contribute data to its Database on Human Milk Intake, using nuclear techniques to accurately measure breast milk consumption and evaluate exclusive breastfeeding. 该数据库旨在收集更可靠的数据,特别是高收入国家的数据,以了解全球在母乳喂养做法方面的差距,为决策提供信息,并改进全世界母乳喂养做法。 The database aims to gather more reliable data, particularly from high-income nations, to understand global disparities in breastfeeding practices, inform policy decisions, and improve breastfeeding practices worldwide. 世界卫生组织建议婴儿出生后头六个月完全母乳喂养,研究显示,母乳喂养给母亲和婴儿都带来重大健康福利。 The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby's life, and research has shown that breastfeeding brings significant health benefits for both mothers and infants.