RCMP警告使用假冒来自警方的短信进行钓鱼骗局。 RCMP warns of phishing scam using fake text messages pretending to be from the police.
皇家骑警警告公众, 有关伪造短信的钓鱼骗局似乎来自警方。 The RCMP has warned the public about a phishing scam involving fake text messages that appear to be from the police. 这些文本声称,皇家骑警无法提供法院文件,请收件者点击链接,重订交货日期。 These texts claim the RCMP can't deliver court documents and ask recipients to click a link to reschedule delivery. 警方强调,他们从不通过短信或电子邮件索取个人信息,并且建议不要点击链接或分享个人细节。 The police stress they never request personal information via text or email and advise against clicking on links or sharing personal details. 受害者应与当地的加拿大皇家骑警分遣队联系。 Victims should contact their local RCMP detachment.