以窃取个人信息为目的的假电子邮件后, 澳洲人被提醒注意一个钓鱼骗局。 Australians are alerted to a phishing scam after a fake email aimed to steal personal info.
最近一封伪造的钓鱼邮件提高了澳大利亚各地区居民的骗局意识。 A recent fake phishing email has heightened scam awareness among residents in various Australian regions. 该电子邮件旨在显示正当性,旨在欺骗收件人泄露个人信息。 The email, designed to look legitimate, aims to trick recipients into divulging personal information. 多个地区的当地新闻机构正在提醒读者在处理来自不明来源的电子邮件时保持警惕和谨慎。 Local news outlets across several areas are reminding readers to remain vigilant and cautious when handling emails from unknown sources.