PETA活动家因试图将冷冻粪肥倒在动物福利团体办公室外而被捕。 PETA activists arrested for trying to dump frozen manure outside rival animal welfare group's office.
两名PETA活动家在曼哈顿被捕, 因为他们试图将冷冻粪便倒在动物福利组织办公室外。 Two PETA activists were arrested in Manhattan after attempting to dump frozen manure outside a rival animal welfare organization's office. 这种行为很可能意在提请人们注意PETA关于动物福利的观点。 The act was likely meant to draw attention to PETA's views on animal welfare. 这起事件凸显了不同动物权利团体之间在促进动物福利的方法和目标方面的争议关系。 The incident highlights the contentious relationship between different animal rights groups over methods and goals in promoting animal welfare.