四名PETA活动家在罗马因抗议斗牛而遭逮捕, Four PETA activists were arrested in Rome for protesting bullfighting by blocking Pope Francis' vehicle.
四名PETA活动家在罗马被捕, 抗议斗牛, 阻挡教皇弗朗西斯的车辆, Four PETA activists were arrested in Rome after protesting against bullfighting by blocking Pope Francis' vehicle, shouting "bullfighting is a sin." 事件发生时,教皇正前往祝福圣母玛利亚的一座雕像。 The incident occurred as the Pope was heading to bless a statue of the Virgin Mary. 活动家旨在敦促天主教会结束与斗牛业的关系。 The activists aim to urge the Catholic Church to end its ties with bullfighting.