因在伦敦豪华商店挤奶抗议而被判刑的动物权利活动者。 Animal rights activists sentenced for milk-pouring protest at luxury London stores.
两名动物权利活动家Sofia Fernandes Pontes和Stephen Bone因在伦敦高端商店Fortnum & Mason和Selfridges倒牛奶抗议奶制品业而被判处社区徒刑。 Two animal rights activists, Sofia Fernandes Pontes and Stephen Bone, received community sentences after pouring milk at high-end London stores Fortnum & Mason and Selfridges to protest the dairy industry. 他们承认偷窃和刑事破坏,造成1 000多英镑的损失。 They admitted to theft and criminal damage, causing over £1,000 in damages. Fernandes Pontes被判处一年的社区命令,40个小时的无报酬工作,Bone则被判处两年命令,100个小时的工作和额外的罚款。 Fernandes Pontes was sentenced to a one-year community order with 40 hours of unpaid work, while Bone received a two-year order with 100 hours of work and additional fines. 两位活动家都主张以植物为基础的食物系统。 Both activists advocate for a plant-based food system.