PETA 抗议者几乎赤身裸体,浑身是假血,他们批评 Whole Foods 的“人道”肉类标签具有误导性。 PETA protesters, nearly nude and covered in fake blood, criticize Whole Foods' "humane" meat labels as misleading.
抗议者在新泽西市一家全食超市外举行了戏剧性的几乎裸体示威, 批评超市的"人道"肉类标签是误导性的. PETA protesters staged a dramatic, nearly nude demonstration outside a Whole Foods in Jersey City, criticizing the supermarket's "humane" meat labels as misleading. PETA称,全球动物伙伴关系(GAP)认证允许在经认证的设施中残忍对待动物。 PETA claims the Global Animal Partnership (GAP) certification allows for cruel treatment of animals in certified facilities. 这场抗议活动以浑身是假血的活动人士为特色,旨在推动消费者走向素食主义,并呼吁动物福利组织与 GAP 断绝关系。 The protest, featuring activists covered in fake blood, aimed to push consumers toward veganism and called for animal welfare groups to sever ties with GAP.