洛杉矶的野火引发了对加利福尼亚州火灾风险准备和管理的批评。 Los Angeles wildfires spark criticism over California's preparedness and management of fire risks.
洛杉矶的野火突显了加利福尼亚领导力的缺陷, Los Angeles wildfires have highlighted shortcomings in California's leadership, according to multiple local news outlets. 这些火灾肆虐了南加利福尼亚州部分地区,导致人们对火灾风险的准备、应对和长期管理提出批评。 The fires, which have ravaged parts of Southern California, have led to criticism over preparedness, response, and long-term management of fire risks. 当局因没有充分处理干旱植被和基础设施脆弱性等问题而面临审查。 Authorities face scrutiny for not adequately addressing issues like dry vegetation and infrastructure vulnerabilities.