网红的社交媒体投资技巧大受欢迎,但监管机构警告存在风险和缺乏资格。 Finfluencers' social media investment tips soar in popularity, but regulators warn of risks and lack of qualifications.
社会媒体的金融建议日益受欢迎, 特别是在新投资者中。 Financial advice on social media, given by influencers known as "fin-fluencers," is gaining popularity, especially among new investors. 然而,监管者警告说,这种建议可能具有风险,而且往往缺乏适当的资格或免责声明。 However, regulators warn that this advice can be risky and often lacks proper qualifications or disclaimers. 证交会与英国金融行为管理局已对影响者提出不当建议和不公开补偿采取行动,敦促消费者在根据社交媒体指导作出投资决定时谨慎行事。 The SEC and Britain's Financial Conduct Authority have taken action against influencers for improper advice and undisclosed compensation, urging consumers to be cautious about making investment decisions based on social media guidance.