研究显示,年轻人更喜欢社交媒体提供财务建议,但怀疑其未来的好处。 Young adults prefer social media for financial advice, but doubt its future benefits, study shows.
St. James Place的新报告显示,18-34岁的年轻成年人使用社交媒体提供财务咨询的可能性是老年一代的两倍。 A new report by St. James's Place reveals that young adults aged 18-34 are twice as likely to use social media for financial advice compared to older generations. 根据对近12,000人的调查,这项研究显示,只有18%的年轻受访者认为未来在财务咨询方面会受益。 The study, based on a survey of nearly 12,000 individuals, shows that only 18% of younger respondents see future benefit in financial advice. 圣詹姆斯广场呼吁该行业适应数字渠道,增加财务顾问的人数,使咨询意见更易于获得。 St. James's Place calls for the industry to adapt to digital channels and increase the number of financial advisers to make advice more accessible.