投资平台的财务实力变得至关重要,因为顾问排除了评级较低的投资平台,担心今后失败。 Financial strength of investment platforms becomes crucial as advisers exclude lower-rated ones, fearing future failures.
投资平台的财务实力对金融顾问越来越重要,40%以上的投资平台被排除在外,被评为“B减”或更低。 Financial strength of investment platforms is increasingly important for financial advisers, with over 40% excluding platforms rated 'B minus' or lower. 近一半害怕未来三年的平台可能失败。 Nearly half fear potential platform failures in the next three years. 62%的客户了解平台的评级。 Advised clients are more informed, with 62% knowing their platform's rating. 服务和物有所值仍然是最高优先事项,但由于新的《公平竞争法》规则,资金实力日益重要。 Service and value for money remain top priorities, but financial strength is gaining significance due to new FCA rules.