英国四分之一的成年人都投资在酒吧聊天上, 尽管75%的人认为这是错误的建议。 One in four British adults have invested based on pub chats, despite 75% seeing it as poor advice.
英国四分之一的成年人 根据酒吧朋友的建议 做出金融决策 比如股票投资 尽管75%的英国成年人认为 这是金融咨询最差的地方 One in four British adults have made financial decisions, like investing in stocks, based on advice from friends at the pub, despite 75% believing it's the worst place for financial advice. 对2 000名成年人的调查显示,41%的人减少了朋友的财务建议,25%的人宁愿自己进行研究,16%的人选择专业建议。 The survey of 2,000 adults showed that 41% decline their friends' financial tips, with 25% preferring to do their own research and 16% opting for professional advice. 超过96%的人认为,在就建议采取行动之前,核实咨询意见至关重要。 Over 96% agreed it's crucial to verify advice before acting on it.