柬埔寨批准关于以监禁和罚款方式惩罚否认红色高棉暴行的法律草案。 Cambodia approves draft law penalizing denial of Khmer Rouge atrocities with jail and fines.
柬埔寨内阁已经批准了一项法律草案,将判处一至五年监禁和罚款2 500至125 000美元,因为红色高棉在1970年代后期统治,估计造成170万人死亡。 Cambodia's cabinet has approved a draft law that would impose one to five years in prison and fines of $2,500 to $125,000 for denying atrocities by the Khmer Rouge, which ruled in the late 1970s and caused an estimated 1.7 million deaths. 该法旨在防止此类事件再次发生,并为受害者提供正义。 The law aims to prevent such events from recurring and provide justice for victims. 以执政党的多数,草案很可能在红色高棉接管50周年之前通过。 With the ruling party's majority, the draft is likely to pass before the 50th anniversary of the Khmer Rouge's takeover.