4名外国贩毒者在柬埔寨金边被捕,缉获了96公斤非法药物。 4 foreign drug traffickers arrested in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with 96 kg of illicit drugs seized.
在柬埔寨金边,宪兵逮捕了四名外国贩毒者,并缉获了近96公斤的非法药物,包括氯胺酮、甲基安非他明晶、海洛因和可卡因。 In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, military police arrested four foreign drug traffickers and seized nearly 96 kilograms of illicit drugs, including ketamine, crystal methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine. 在对四个地点进行了长达一个月的调查之后,三名男子和一名妇女嫌疑人被捕。 The suspects, three men and one woman, were apprehended after a month-long investigation across four locations. 柬埔寨法律规定对贩运80克以上毒品者处以终身监禁。 Cambodian law mandates life imprisonment for trafficking over 80 grams of drugs. 2024年,该国逮捕了19 600多名与毒品有关的嫌疑人,包括640名外国人。 In 2024, the country has arrested over 19,600 drug-related suspects, including 640 foreigners.