2024年,柬埔寨逮捕的毒品增加了29.9%,缉获的毒品增加了171%。 Cambodia sees a 29.9% rise in drug arrests and a 171% increase in narcotics seizures in 2024.
柬埔寨报告说,与上年相比,2024年头10个月与毒品有关的逮捕案增加了29.9%,毒品缉获量增加了171%。 Cambodia has reported a 29.9% increase in drug-related arrests and a 171% rise in narcotics seizures during the first ten months of 2024 compared to the previous year. 当局拘留了21,659名嫌疑人并没收了7.39吨毒品,主要是氯胺酮和甲基苯丙胺。 Authorities detained 21,659 suspects and confiscated 7.39 tons of drugs, primarily ketamine and methamphetamine. 自首相洪曼尼特于2023年8月上任以来,打击夜总会毒品分销的努力得到加强。 Since Prime Minister Hun Manet took office in August 2023, efforts to combat drug distribution in nightclubs have intensified. 贩运80克以上的非法药物可导致无期徒刑。 Trafficking over 80 grams of illicit drugs can result in life imprisonment.