柬埔寨法院因批评政府判处反对派领袖两年有期徒刑。 Cambodian court sentences opposition leader to two years for criticizing government.
柬埔寨法院以煽动社会混乱罪判处反对派领袖孙钱蒂两年有期徒刑, 指控政府利用法律案件压制批评者。 A Cambodian court sentenced opposition leader Sun Chanthy to two years in prison for inciting social disorder, amid accusations that the government uses legal cases to silence critics. 指控来自社交媒体文章及批评政府的录像。 The charges stem from social media posts and a video criticizing the government. Chanthy也被罚款并失去投票权。 Chanthy was also fined and lost his voting rights. 权利团体认为,这是镇压政治异议的更广泛努力的一部分。 Rights groups see this as part of a broader effort to suppress political dissent.