阿肯色州审议法案 要求所有州执法部门在2026年前 穿戴尸体摄像机 Arkansas considers bill requiring all state law enforcement to wear body cameras by 2026.
阿肯色州立法者正在考虑一项法案, 要求所有州执法人员在公众互动中穿戴身体摄像头。 Arkansas lawmakers are considering a bill that would require all state law enforcement officers to wear body cameras during public interactions. 由共和党代表R. Scott Richardson和参议员Clint Penzo赞助的众议院第1219号法案规定,所有机构应在2026年底前提供这些摄像头。 House Bill 1219, sponsored by Republican Representative R. Scott Richardson and Senator Clint Penzo, mandates that all agencies provide these cameras by the end of 2026. 该立法旨在加强警务的透明度和问责制。 The legislation aims to enhance transparency and accountability in policing.