Bhubaneswar-Cuttack警务专员授权接待台人员使用机构摄像机,以加强透明度和问责制。 Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Police Commissioner mandates body cameras for reception desk personnel to enhance transparency and accountability.
Bhubaneswar-Cuttack警察局长Suresh Dev Datta Singh授权警察局接待台人员使用机构照相机,以加强透明度和问责制。 Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Police Commissioner Suresh Dev Datta Singh has mandated body cameras for police station reception desk personnel to enhance transparency and accountability. 这一举措是在一名军官和一名妇女在当地警察局受到骚扰的指控之后采取的。 This initiative follows allegations of harassment against an Army officer and a woman at a local station. 摄影机将记录互动情况,帮助监测行为和迅速解决问题,与Odisha对暴力,特别是暴力侵害妇女行为的零容忍政策保持一致。 The cameras will record interactions, helping to monitor conduct and address issues promptly, aligning with Odisha's zero-tolerance policy on violence, particularly against women.