肯塔基州的劳蕾尔县议员将开始使用身体摄像头来提高透明度和信任。 Laurel County deputies in Kentucky will begin using body cameras to enhance transparency and trust.
肯塔基州劳瑞尔县警长的副手将首次使用人体摄像头, Laurel County Sheriff's deputies in Kentucky will start using body cameras for the first time, following approval of a nearly $27,000 contract with Motorola. 此举的目的是在一场致命枪击事件后提高透明度和信任。 The move aims to boost transparency and trust after a fatal shooting incident. 巡逻副手和两名学校资源干事将使用这些摄像头,尽管尚未确定具体的执行时间表。 The cameras will be used by patrol deputies and two school resource officers, though a specific timeline for implementation has not been set.