加纳内政部长提名人建议警方使用强制性机构摄像头来提高透明度。 Ghana's Interior Minister nominee proposes mandatory body cameras for police to boost transparency.
加纳内政部长提名人选Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka提议为警官设立强制性机构照相机,以便处理不当行为和恢复公众信任。 The Interior Minister nominee in Ghana, Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka, has proposed mandatory body cameras for police officers to address misconduct and restore public trust. Muntaka还建议在警察局安装闭路电视摄像头,以增强透明度和问责制。 Muntaka also suggested installing CCTV cameras in police stations to enhance transparency and accountability. 这些措施旨在打击敲诈勒索和残暴等问题,这些问题侵蚀了公众对执法的信心。 These measures aim to combat issues like extortion and brutality, which have eroded public confidence in law enforcement.