美国的商业活动在1月放缓,但雇用人数激增,达到两年半的最高水平。 U.S. business activity slowed in January, but hiring surged to a two-and-a-half-year high.
美国的商业活动从12月的55.4下降到1月的9个月最低点,S & P Global Complite PMI从12月的55.4下降到52.4,主要原因是服务部门衰退和价格上涨的压力。 U.S. business activity slowed to a nine-month low in January, with the S&P Global Composite PMI dropping to 52.4, down from 55.4 in December, mainly due to the services sector decline and rising price pressures. 尽管经济放缓,雇用率仍上升到两年半的高点,支持美联储对利率的谨慎态度。 Despite the slowdown, hiring rose to a two-and-a-half-year high, supporting the Federal Reserve's cautious stance on interest rates. 制造业七个月来首次扩大。 Manufacturing expanded for the first time in seven months.