敦促联合王国工人核实全国最低工资遵守情况,并向高棉劳工委员会报告任何问题。 UK workers are urged to verify National Minimum Wage compliance and report any issues to HMRC.
税务和海关总署警告英国雇员,确保他们根据雇用合同按时领取国家最低工资。 HM Revenue and Customs warns British employees to ensure they are paid the National Minimum Wage on time according to their employment contracts. 雇员应检查他们的工资单,以便正确扣除,并与雇主讨论任何问题。 Employees should check their payslips for correct deductions and discuss any issues with their employer. 对于尚未解决的问题,申诉可以匿名通过HMRC网站提出,可从Acas求助热线获得咨询意见。 For unresolved issues, complaints can be filed anonymously through HMRC’s website, and advice is available from the Acas helpline.