HMRC敦促工人检查他们的薪酬是否正确, 特别是那些持短期圣诞节合同的工人。 HMRC urges workers to check they're paid correctly, especially those on short-term Christmas contracts.
HMRC敦促工人,特别是那些在圣诞节期间签订短期合同的工人,检查他们的薪酬,以确保他们得到正确的国家最低工资或国家生活工资。 HMRC is urging workers, especially those on short-term contracts over Christmas, to check their pay to ensure they receive the correct National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage. 工人应核实其小时工资率,了解清洁或培训等无报酬的工作时间,并指出对制服或工具的扣减可以降低工资率。 Workers should verify their hourly pay rates, be aware of unpaid working time like cleaning or training, and note that deductions for uniforms or tools can reduce pay rates. 如果工资不正确,工人可在网上报告。 If wages are incorrect, workers can report it online.