UK HMRC警告季节工人核实他们的薪酬是否正确, 催促有关工资问题的报道。 UK HMRC warns seasonal workers to verify they're paid correctly, urging reports of wage issues.
联合王国的皇家税务和海关(HMRC)敦促季节性工人确保领取国家最低工资或国家生活工资。 The UK's HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) urges seasonal workers to ensure they receive the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage. 工人,特别是那些在零售、招待和仓库中担任短期角色的工人,应检查扣除额或无报酬的工作时间。 Workers, especially those in short-term roles in retail, hospitality, and warehouses, should check for deductions or unpaid working time. 雇员可以通过GOV.UK报告问题,或联系Acas征求咨询。 Employees can report issues via GOV.UK or contact Acas for advice. HMRC强调在节庆季节正确支付工资的重要性。 HMRC is emphasizing the importance of correct wage payments during the festive season.