英国索赔者必须在30天内对拒绝给予福利提出上诉,以避免永久赔付。 UK claimants must appeal benefit denials within 30 days to avoid losing payments permanently.
工作和养恤金部警告说,如果申请被拒绝,福利申请人必须在30天内提出上诉,以避免永久的付款损失。 The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) warns that benefit claimants must appeal within 30 days if their application is denied to avoid permanent loss of payments. 申请人可以要求对上诉进行“强制性复议”,涵盖普遍信贷、个人独立支付和出勤津贴等福利。 Claimants can request a 'mandatory reconsideration' for appeals, covering benefits like Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, and Attendance Allowance. 在诸如疾病等例外情况下,可以延长治疗期。 Extensions are possible in exceptional cases like illness. 如果复议失败,申请人可向仲裁庭提出上诉。 If the reconsideration fails, claimants can appeal to a tribunal.