面临拒绝申请的英国申请者可通过自由的“强制复议”程序对决定提出质疑。 UK benefits applicants facing rejections can challenge decisions through a free "mandatory reconsideration" process.
自这一流行病发生以来,联合王国工作与养老金部在申请福利方面出现了增长,其中许多人面临被拒绝或支付不正确的情况。 Since the pandemic, the UK's Department for Work and Pensions has seen a rise in benefit applications, with many facing rejections or incorrect payments. 一个称为强制复议的自由程序允许个人在一个月内提交新证据,对这些决定提出质疑。 A free process called mandatory reconsideration allows individuals to challenge these decisions by submitting new evidence within a month. 如果DWP改变了决定,可以发放退款. If the DWP changes its decision, backdated payments may be issued. 如果不是,个人可以向法庭提出上诉。 If not, individuals can appeal to a tribunal.