祈祷团体在爱尔兰克隆美尔法院下令后 结束了23天的教堂占领 Prayer group ends 23-day church occupation after court order in Clonmel, Ireland.
一个祈祷团体Abbey House Prayer Group同意在法院下达命令后,在午夜前结束对Tipperary Clonmel的Friary教堂的23天占领。 A prayer group, Abbey House Prayer Group, has agreed to end their 23-day occupation of the Friary Church in Clonmel, Tipperary, by midnight following a court order. 该团体抗议方济会骑士团因出勤率下降、成员年龄老化以及维修费用高而决定关闭教堂。 The group protested the Franciscan Order's decision to close the church due to declining attendance, aging members, and high maintenance costs. 法官允许该团体在周末领取他们的物品,并为今后调解敞开大门。 The judge has allowed the group to collect their belongings over the weekend and left the door open for future mediation.