梵蒂冈宣布Arlington Carmelite修道院在贞操誓言争议后灭绝;修女违抗命令。 Vatican declares Arlington Carmelite Monastery extinct after chastity vow controversy; nuns defy order.
梵蒂冈宣布德克萨斯州阿灵顿的至圣三一加尔默罗修道院灭绝,此前涉及女修道院院长违背贞洁誓言的争议。 The Vatican has declared the Carmelite Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in Arlington, Texas, extinct following a controversy involving allegations that the prioress broke her vow of chastity. 在开除修女,包括修道院唯一的新手之后,梵蒂冈说,天主教会眼中已不再存在该社区。 After dismissing the nuns, including the monastery's only novice, the Vatican stated the community no longer exists in the eyes of the Catholic Church. 尽管如此,剩下的修女还是与一个传统主义团体结盟,该团体没有与梵蒂冈充分联合,违抗教会的命令。 Despite this, the remaining nuns have aligned with a traditionalist group not in full communion with the Vatican, defying the Church's order. 建议天主教徒不要在前修道院参加弥撒,因为此类活动被视为非法。 Catholics are advised not to attend Mass at the former monastery, as such events are considered illicit.