请愿者要求Wye Oak酒馆停止在马里兰州改建学校礼拜堂前祭坛喝酒。 Petitioners demand Wye Oak Tavern stop serving alcohol at former altar in Maryland's converted school chapel.
超过3000人签署了请愿书,呼吁位于马里兰州天主教全女学校前礼拜堂的Wye Oak酒馆停止在前高祭坛上饮酒。 Over 3,000 people have signed a petition calling for the Wye Oak Tavern, a bar located in the former chapel of a Catholic all-girls school in Maryland, to stop serving alcohol at the former high altar. 访问旅馆于2024年开放,它坚持认为,该小教堂已经分解,历史要素因其文化意义而得到保存。 The Visitation Hotel, which opened in 2024, maintains that the chapel was deconsecrated and that historical elements are preserved for their cultural significance. 该请愿书由律师兼校友Elyssa Koren领头, 要求将酒吧搬迁, 以尊重教堂的历史。 The petition, led by Elyssa Koren, a lawyer and alumna, demands the bar be relocated to respect the chapel's history.