宾夕法尼亚州创造了新的劳动力纪录,增加了就业机会,但失业率略有上升,达到3.6%。 Pennsylvania sets a new workforce record, adding jobs but seeing a slight rise in unemployment to 3.6%.
宾夕法尼亚州劳动力在2024年12月创历史新高6 229 800人, Pennsylvania's workforce hit a record high of 6,229,800 in December 2024, marking 17 straight months of record highs. 尽管增加了13,700个工作岗位,但国家失业率略微上升至3.6%,仍然低于全国4.1%的失业率。 Despite adding 13,700 jobs, the state's unemployment rate rose slightly to 3.6%, still below the national rate of 4.1%. 教育和卫生服务部门的就业增加幅度最大,有5 300个新工作岗位,使所有部门每年增加114 700个工作岗位。 The education and health services sector saw the largest job increase with 5,300 new jobs, contributing to a yearly gain of 114,700 jobs across all sectors.