Louisville消防员迅速扑灭了一座空置房屋的火灾, Louisville firefighters quickly extinguish a fire at a vacant house, site of a previous blaze in 2021.
路易斯维尔的消防员扑灭了东奥姆斯比大道上一座空置的两层楼房屋的火灾,这是2021年以来该地产发生的第二起事故。 Firefighters in Louisville extinguished a fire at a vacant two-story house on East Ormsby Avenue, which is the second incident at the property since 2021. 房屋全被淹没,但有25名消防员在20分钟内将房屋扑灭。 The house was fully engulfed but was put out within 20 minutes by 25 firefighters. 路易斯维尔消防局的纵火组正在调查火灾原因 The Louisville Fire Department's Arson Unit is investigating the cause of the fire.