消防员在Shyly, KY迅速扑灭房屋火灾,造成居民流离失所;原因正在调查中。 Firefighters quickly extinguish house fire in Shively, KY, displacing residents; cause under investigation.
肯塔基州Shyle的一场房屋火灾, 星期四清晨影响两所房屋及流离失所居民。 A house fire in Shively, Kentucky, early Thursday morning affected two homes and displaced residents. 来自包括Louisville和Shyle在内的多个部门的消防员在30分钟内作出反应并扑灭了火焰,未报告任何受伤情况。 Firefighters from multiple departments, including Louisville and Shively, responded and extinguished the blaze within 30 minutes without any reported injuries. 路易斯维尔消防局的纵火小组正在调查火灾原因 The Louisville Fire Department's arson unit is investigating the cause of the fire. 红十字会正在协助受影响的居民。 The Red Cross is assisting affected residents.