Lafayette房屋的火灾是由冷冻管上使用的供暖火炬造成的;住户安全逃脱。 House fire in Lafayette caused by heating torch used on frozen pipe; occupants escaped safely.
路易斯安那州Lafayette的一栋房屋火灾造成中度损坏,因为用一把供暖的火炬来修理被点燃的可燃材料的冷冻管。 A house fire in Lafayette, Louisiana, caused moderate damage after a heating torch used to repair a frozen pipe ignited combustible materials. 两个居住者均安全逃脱。 Both occupants escaped safely. 消防员在15分钟内将火焰扑灭。 Firefighters extinguished the flames within 15 minutes. 官员建议使用更安全的方法,如烘发机或解冻管道取暖垫,并在极端天气期间寻求专业帮助。 Officials advise using safer methods like hair dryers or heating pads for thawing pipes and seeking professional help during extreme weather.