火灾造成波士顿家中14名居民流离失所,造成750K美元损坏,没有报告受伤。 Fire displaces 14 residents in Boston home, causes $750K damage with no reported injuries.
在波士顿Mattapan的Hazelton街一个多家庭住宅发生火灾,造成14名居民流离失所,其中包括9名成人和5名儿童,这是星期六清晨发生的。 A fire in a multi-family home on Hazelton Street in Mattapan, Boston, displaced 14 residents, including nine adults and five children, early Saturday morning. 消防员在寒冷的温度下与蔓延到屋顶的火焰作战,没有报告有人受伤。 Firefighters battled the blaze, which spread to the roof, in freezing temperatures with no reported injuries. 损失估计为750 000美元,原因正在调查之中。 The damage is estimated at $750,000, and the cause is under investigation. 波士顿火花协会支持消防员,为冰冷条件提供水和岩盐。 The Boston Sparks Association supported firefighters by providing water and rock salt for icy conditions.