垃圾卡车司机开往消防站的快速行动 拯救了他的卡车免于火灾 Garbage truck driver's quick action in driving to fire station saves his truck from a fire.
一名加拿大维多利亚的垃圾车司机在发现卡车后车厢的烟雾后,迅速思考,因此受到赞扬。 A garbage truck driver in Victoria, Canada, was commended for his quick thinking after noticing smoke from his truck's back compartment. 他没有等待帮助,而是直接开车前往当地消防站,消防员在那里扑灭了烧焦的垃圾,尽量减少了卡车的损坏。 Instead of waiting for help, he drove directly to the local firehall, where firefighters extinguished the smoldering garbage, minimizing damage to the truck. 据报没有人受伤,司机的冷静反应得到赞扬。 No injuries were reported, and the driver was praised for his calm response.