澳大利亚查尔斯敦的垃圾卡车火灾导致阿尔托公寓撤离,没有人受伤。 Garbage truck fire in Charlestown, Australia, leads to Alto Apartments evacuation; no injuries.
澳大利亚查尔斯敦的一辆垃圾车发生火灾,导致星期五上午阿尔托公寓居民撤离。 A garbage truck fire in Charlestown, Australia, led to the evacuation of Alto Apartments residents on Friday morning. 事件发生在Hopetoun街一个装货码头,有六辆消防车和24名消防员赶来灭火。 The incident occurred at a loading dock on Hopetoun Street, with six fire trucks and 24 firefighters arriving to extinguish the blaze. 火灾原因不明,但被怀疑是由于一件不该在垃圾桶里的东西造成的。 The cause of the fire is unknown, but it is suspected to be due to an item that shouldn't have been in the garbage. 据报没有人受伤,据信卡车司机逃过了大火。 No injuries have been reported, and the driver of the truck is believed to have escaped the blaze.