垃圾卡车司机在Yorba Linda驾驶着燃烧的汽车离家出走,撞上障碍物。 Trash truck driver steers burning vehicle away from homes, hitting obstacles instead, in Yorba Linda.
加利福尼亚州Yorba Linda的一辆垃圾卡车司机在卡车着火并开始从山上滚下来后防止了进一步损坏。 A trash truck driver in Yorba Linda, California, prevented further damage after the truck caught fire and began rolling down a hill. 这名司机最初跳出,后来又回来把车开离家门,撞上了两辆车和一棵树。 The driver, who had initially jumped out, got back in to steer it away from homes, hitting two vehicles and a tree instead. 造成火灾的原因不明,但邻居感谢司机的努力。 The cause of the fire is unknown, but neighbors thanked the driver for her efforts. 共和国服务机构指出,其雇员和社区的安全是他们的首要优先事项。 Republic Services stated that the safety of their employees and the community is their top priority.