DOJ起诉五人, 罪名是朝鲜计划, 在美国公司通过伪造的IT工作赚到866,255美元。 DOJ indicted five for a North Korean scheme that earned $866,255 via fake IT jobs at US firms.
美国司法部已经起诉五人, 包括两名北朝鲜人, 罪名是利用为64家美国公司的IT员工 来为朝鲜创造收入的欺诈计划。 The US Department of Justice has indicted five individuals, including two North Koreans, for a fraudulent scheme to generate revenue for North Korea by working as IT employees for 64 US companies. 据称,2018年至2021年期间,他们利用伪造身份和通过一家中国银行洗钱,赚取了866,255美元。 They allegedly earned over $866,255 between 2018 and 2021, using forged identities and laundering money through a Chinese bank. 司法部旨在打乱北朝鲜通过网络计划逃避制裁的行为。 The DOJ aims to disrupt North Korea's sanctions evasion via cyber-enabled schemes.