开展 " 制止犯罪 " 运动,以提高认识,鼓励举报家庭虐待事件。 Crimestoppers launches campaign to raise awareness and encourage reporting of domestic abuse.
制止犯罪者发起了一场运动,以提高对家庭虐待迹象的认识,并鼓励匿名举报。 Crimestoppers launched a campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse signs and encourage anonymous reporting. 2023年,他们收到4 000多份各种形式的家庭虐待报告。 In 2023, they received over 4,000 reports of domestic abuse in various forms. 受害者往往表现出一些迹象,如无法解释的伤害或人格变化。 Victims often display signs like unexplained injuries or personality changes. 该慈善机构以150多种语言提供每周7天、每天24小时的匿名报告服务,强调公众警惕制止虐待和拯救生命的重要性。 The charity offers a 24/7 anonymous reporting service in over 150 languages, emphasizing the importance of public vigilance to stop abuse and save lives.